MESYM Documentary Night for January is Cancelled + Venue Change

Hi guys!

As we are looking for a new venue for our documentary nights, January’s event will be cancelled. Ideally we are looking for a cafe near public transportation that has a projector and a conducive environment for film screenings. We are also open to checking out community centres and/or offices that can be loaned to us with no charge, after work hours or even weekends.

If you have any recommendations or ideas, please leave a comment or send Leo or myself a personal message, so that we can go have a look and talk to the venue owner.

Thanks for your support, and stay tuned for our news on February’s event! Happy new year 🙂

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Connecting the green dots is a crowd-sourced platform and a living database for environmental movements in Malaysia. There are many good actions being done out there. Our goal is to bring them together. We connect the green dots.