Early History of The Environmental Movement in Malaysia Up To The 1970s (Part 1 of Interviews with Dr. Hezri Adnan) Authors

Jun-E Tan

Running around with a hammer

Co-founder and general manager of MESYM.com; freelance researcher on issues related to sustainable development. I write, I talk to people, I try to make as big a difference as I can. My motivation for working on MESYM.com is to amplify all the good work that has been done by environmentalists in M... Read more


Connecting the green dots

MESYM.com is run by a group of volunteers who are strongly passionate about environmental issues, and who see great potential in providing a central, online platform for the Malaysian environmental scene. We gather in solidarity and goodwill, with the common aim of making the world a better place. W... Read more

Welcome to MESYM!
Connecting the green dots

MESYM.com is a crowd-sourced platform and a living database for environmental movements in Malaysia. There are many good actions being done out there. Our goal is to bring them together. We connect the green dots.