

on 11 Aug, 00:35

MIRACLE Youth Conference 2 2017 (summer)

MYC 2 2017 is coming back that continue MYC part 1 2017 on 9 July 2017. Our title is “Waste Management”. Youths from 4 different schools are taking the 2 Green Challenges during one month and few days in “Recycling” and “Upcycling”. Can feel the power and motion of youths in reducing waste and trying to save and make a better world, other from that, teamwork, creativity and the most important element of youths is passion that you can find out at there. Feeling excited? Feel Free to approach me to join the conference.

School involvement:

  1. SMK Seri Serdang
  2. SMK Seri Indah
  3. SMK Desa Serdang
  4. SMK Taman Desaminium

2 Green challenges taking by delegates (High school students):

  1. Recycling (the highest recycling rate in competition)
  2. Upcycling (the most creativity and able to solve the waste community issue)


  1. Sharing Forum (the student experienced during the green challenges)
  2. Youth Debate (Waste topic)
  3. Reward & Recognition (Green challenges & Acknowledgement of External)

Learning partners & External Engagement:

  1. EcoKnights (NGO)
  2. SW Corps (Semi-Government
  3. Community Recycle for Charity (NGO)
  4. UPM’s Lecturers
  5. The Hive (Social Enterprise)