Lim Eng Hwa


on 21 Apr, 19:56

Malaysian Organic food consumption Public Survey, UCSI university

Dear Sir / Madam,

RE: Malaysian Organic food consumption Public Survey, UCSI university

Good day. I am Lim, a postgraduate student of Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) at UCSI University in Malaysia.

I am currently conducting a Public Survey for my doctoral research project on Malaysian organic food consumption behaviour and their sustainability values perceptions. As your organisation is involved in the health food and sustainable development industry, your participation will be highly valued for this survey.

This survey will only take 10 minutes of your precious time.  Participant anonymity is strictly adhered to and only aggregate data will be used.  Executive Summary of survey results will be provided for those who are interested.  Our aim is to reach 1,000 respondents.  It will be of great help for us if your organisation could forward and circulate among your employees and business associates to participate in this survey.

Below are the links for the online survey (in both English and Bahasa Malaysia versions), as well as Letter of Request from UCSI university for your reference:

Survey (English):

Survey (BM):

University Letter:

If you wish to know more or sponsor part of the research expenses, please do not hesitate to contact me via email Sponsors will be provided with comprehensive report at the end of the research project subject to the approval of the university.

We hope to have a favourable response from your organisation and we highly appreciate your kind participation and support for this research on sustainability and healthy lifestyle.

Hope to hear from you soon, thank you in advance!

Best regard,

EH Lim

(UCSI DBA student)

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