The Winners of Climate Change — A new world map Responses

The Winners of Climate Change — Techno-fixes

The Winners of Climate Change — Techno-fixes

The information for the article below comes from Windfall — The Booming Business of Global Warming, from author McKenzie Funk. Focused on the crucial fact that global warming, along with the humans it affects and who are affecting it, is global, this book means to provide an answer to the increasing… Read more

The Winners of Climate Change — Extreme weather

The Winners of Climate Change — Extreme weather

The information for the article below comes from Windfall — The Booming Business of Global Warming, from author McKenzie Funk. Focused on the crucial fact that global warming, along with the humans it affects and who are affecting it, is global, this book means to provide an answer to the increasing… Read more

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Connecting the green dots is a crowd-sourced platform and a living database for environmental movements in Malaysia. There are many good actions being done out there. Our goal is to bring them together. We connect the green dots.